Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Guess what..

My 17 year old is sucking up big time. I know she wants something. I got up this morning and she went to Walmart last night after work, which she is ssssoooooo not supposed to do, and bought me flowers and a new eyeliner (long story on that one). She also wrote me a note saying she was really sorry, I don't know if she understands what for because she never said. SSSSSSOOOOO I'm pretty sure she wants out for the weekend, YEAH LIKE THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN, not in this lifetime. She's grounded till school's out in May. Yup you heard me MAY, after graduation!!!!!!

Nothing else is new with me. Been missing the Attic, been feeling under the weather so I haven't been anything but going to work. I absolutely LOVE not having my kindergarten route. I come home at 9am and don't have be back till 2pm, all that time to do anything I want, which is nothing lately, haha.

Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I'm having Tracy and her family, plus her mom over and my family, maybe. We invited Mike's mom and brother and sister-in-law but I'm still waiting to hear. My little house is going to be packed oh well.

That's enough from me, gotta go bake cookies for this old guy at work. He bought dough and thought the cookies were already baked. He doesn't bake so I said I would bake them for him and bring them back to work in a couple of days.



Michielle said...

Hi Liz,

I too have a 17 year old...boy. He always has an opinion about everything.....always has. Right now, he seems to think that I'm loosing my marbles. I guess that goes along with the 'being young and they know everything' syndrome. We were blessed with only one.....him, so at times I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that he will be off to college soon. He's a Junior this year. So the 'Senior-itst' has hit me pretty hard.......BUT, there are some days why I understand why some animals in the animal kingdom EAT their young!!! hA!!!! Can't tell them anything....They won't listen......etc. I'm feeling for you and I'm right there with you....I know I'll miss him terribly when he's gone, (then I'll look at this strange man sitting in the recliner asleep, and go "who the hell are YOU"?? HA Just wanted you to know that I'm feeling for you.

~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

HI there mz.bff!!!!
I have 17, 15 and 14 year olds... I know about the back talking the knowing it all and the "WHATEVER"... when this happens you know me... I hate confrontation so after we all have our say in what we are going to say to each other, I make them go into their room, shut the door and call me everything and anything they want to BEHIND THE DOOR ... told them to flip me off in the 8 languages they seem to know and when they are done they come out and then we can talk. Might be kinda goofy but it seams to work. I so know about the senior year. Where do your kids go? Mine are in Derby and I hate the fact that its going to be over.... or should I say just begin??!!
I feel for you and totally understand... I will give you a big squeeze the next time I see you. MICHELLLLE!!! Where is your blog huny????? No more stalking!!! heheh j/k.

Hugs to you both~

Liz S said...

Kate goes to Wichita, South High. Part of her problem is most of her friends are already out of school so she wants to be just like them, LOOSERS!!! I'm sure when she turns 18 on Dec 12th she's moving out. I have been told she already has a place to go to. This is really funny because the place she wants to move into is stricter than I am, go figure!! I'll just sit at home and wait, she'll be back when her bubble pops and she realizes life at home really doesn't SUCK! :0)

Love ya