Not much going on with me today. Just been busy decorating, decorating, and guess what more decorating. The house is starting to look like someone threw up Christmas all over the place, lol. I've been working on the inside, and dh has been working on the outside. He didn't have an extension ladder to do the lights around the house so he went and bought one today. Half the lights made it up, so I'm sure he'll be up there again tomorrow finishing up. Although, knowing him he'll play with the lights and decorations for awhile getting them just right. Then i'll go out there and have him move things around ;)
My bus decorations started going up today too! I have a ways to go though since I can only work on them about an hour or so a day. I have the garland up, the stocking name tags, and some ornaments hanging from the ceiling. I still have ho ho ho, candy canes, and snowflakes to put up, so far. I'm planning on making more, before I'm done decorating the bus the kids are gonna be sick of Christmas, YEAH RIGHT!
Well time to go eat good 'ol crapdonalds for dinner. Since dh was busy with the lights he didn't get dinner cooked, so take out it is.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Long time no type
Hi Everyone,
It's been awhile since I blogged, sorry. Not much going on in my life lately. I had Thanksgiving at my house. Tracy and her family came and we had a great time. My in-laws showed up for dessert and stayed for about 2 hours, long visit. It was nice catching up with the out of town folks, plus I got to show off my new house!! :) After we got the kids settled down the adults played cards for awhile. After cards Tracy and I settled in and made out a list for the husbands to go shopping with Friday morning. No we were not crazy enough to go out into the cold, crowded night and try to get some good deals, WE SENT OUR HUSBANDS! We weren't able to get what we wanted, oh well, it wasn't meant to be then.
Tracy, me, and her mom went the craft show at Century 2 today. I spent way to much money but had a great time. I bought Christmas decorations for the new house, I really didn't have anything good to decorate with. I'm off to a good start now. I didn't want to go the show but Tracy dragged me out and I'm the one that bought the most stuff! Afterwards we went to dinner at Olive Garden. There was absolutely no wait for a table on a Friday night at 6pm, WE WERE SHOCKED, but happy. I was even nice and brought home dinner for my hubby (I needed to suck up after all the money I had just spent, LOL)
I did not make my one goal today, that was to get to the Attic. I was very disappointed, I really needed paper and wanted to catch there great sale! I was thrilled to get home and do my stalking. When I read the Attic's blog I was doing the happy dance because they extended their sale through Sunday, WOO HOO, THANKS GIRLS. I'll be heading there tomorrow afternoon sometime.
After I restock my paper, it's time to make Christmas decorations for my bus. I'm going to make stockings with the kid's names on them for there assigned seating. I'm also going to make 6" letters that say Merry Christmas. I'll also do reindeer, a hearth, santa sled, and a ton of snowflakes. I'm probably gonna have to hang a close line in my scrap area just to hand the flakes on so the stickle can dry. OH Yes tons of stickles is going to be involved!
Well I think this book needs to come to a close. Hope I haven't board you all to sleep and if I have, GET TO BED!!
Love ya
It's been awhile since I blogged, sorry. Not much going on in my life lately. I had Thanksgiving at my house. Tracy and her family came and we had a great time. My in-laws showed up for dessert and stayed for about 2 hours, long visit. It was nice catching up with the out of town folks, plus I got to show off my new house!! :) After we got the kids settled down the adults played cards for awhile. After cards Tracy and I settled in and made out a list for the husbands to go shopping with Friday morning. No we were not crazy enough to go out into the cold, crowded night and try to get some good deals, WE SENT OUR HUSBANDS! We weren't able to get what we wanted, oh well, it wasn't meant to be then.
Tracy, me, and her mom went the craft show at Century 2 today. I spent way to much money but had a great time. I bought Christmas decorations for the new house, I really didn't have anything good to decorate with. I'm off to a good start now. I didn't want to go the show but Tracy dragged me out and I'm the one that bought the most stuff! Afterwards we went to dinner at Olive Garden. There was absolutely no wait for a table on a Friday night at 6pm, WE WERE SHOCKED, but happy. I was even nice and brought home dinner for my hubby (I needed to suck up after all the money I had just spent, LOL)
I did not make my one goal today, that was to get to the Attic. I was very disappointed, I really needed paper and wanted to catch there great sale! I was thrilled to get home and do my stalking. When I read the Attic's blog I was doing the happy dance because they extended their sale through Sunday, WOO HOO, THANKS GIRLS. I'll be heading there tomorrow afternoon sometime.
After I restock my paper, it's time to make Christmas decorations for my bus. I'm going to make stockings with the kid's names on them for there assigned seating. I'm also going to make 6" letters that say Merry Christmas. I'll also do reindeer, a hearth, santa sled, and a ton of snowflakes. I'm probably gonna have to hang a close line in my scrap area just to hand the flakes on so the stickle can dry. OH Yes tons of stickles is going to be involved!
Well I think this book needs to come to a close. Hope I haven't board you all to sleep and if I have, GET TO BED!!
Love ya
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Guess what..
My 17 year old is sucking up big time. I know she wants something. I got up this morning and she went to Walmart last night after work, which she is ssssoooooo not supposed to do, and bought me flowers and a new eyeliner (long story on that one). She also wrote me a note saying she was really sorry, I don't know if she understands what for because she never said. SSSSSSOOOOO I'm pretty sure she wants out for the weekend, YEAH LIKE THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN, not in this lifetime. She's grounded till school's out in May. Yup you heard me MAY, after graduation!!!!!!
Nothing else is new with me. Been missing the Attic, been feeling under the weather so I haven't been anything but going to work. I absolutely LOVE not having my kindergarten route. I come home at 9am and don't have be back till 2pm, all that time to do anything I want, which is nothing lately, haha.
Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I'm having Tracy and her family, plus her mom over and my family, maybe. We invited Mike's mom and brother and sister-in-law but I'm still waiting to hear. My little house is going to be packed oh well.
That's enough from me, gotta go bake cookies for this old guy at work. He bought dough and thought the cookies were already baked. He doesn't bake so I said I would bake them for him and bring them back to work in a couple of days.
Nothing else is new with me. Been missing the Attic, been feeling under the weather so I haven't been anything but going to work. I absolutely LOVE not having my kindergarten route. I come home at 9am and don't have be back till 2pm, all that time to do anything I want, which is nothing lately, haha.
Is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? I'm having Tracy and her family, plus her mom over and my family, maybe. We invited Mike's mom and brother and sister-in-law but I'm still waiting to hear. My little house is going to be packed oh well.
That's enough from me, gotta go bake cookies for this old guy at work. He bought dough and thought the cookies were already baked. He doesn't bake so I said I would bake them for him and bring them back to work in a couple of days.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Have I told you lately......
I CAN'T STAND TEENAGERS!!! Those moms out there who have teenagers, I mean the 17 and older kind, know exactly what I am talking about. They think they know everything and mom is an idiot and doesn't remember what it's like to be young!!!! WRONG, we do remember what it's like that's why we're so tough, LOL.
My 17 year old has a curfew but since I go to bed by 9pm she had decided to not come home when she's supposed to. The other night I went to bed my usual 9pm and Parker, my 6 yr old, woke up at 11:30 from a nightmare and she still wasn't home (curfew on school nights is 10:30). I call her cell and to make a long story semi-short, she FR****** lies to me and says she's on her way home, never told me where she was or anything. Got into a huge fight with her when she walked through the door. I went to bed cause I gotta be up at 5am and she has the nerve to walk out the front door, get into her car and drive away! She finally came home at 2am after I promised to let her stay at South High. She's been real good about playing the I'm gonna be 18 in a month and there's nothing you can do to me then card. HAHA She's in for a rude awakening!!!! Okay enough about that crap..
Friday was my usual boring day. Got to sleep in today though and acutally half the day. Been working on my scrap stuff all day. I've got tons of projects started but not finished so I decided it's time to finish. I missed the aweso[ME] class, totally spaced it off (there goes the blonde again). Hopefully Steff saved some kits so I can get them next week, hint hint wink wink ;)
Oh yeah new thing in my life, I gave up my Kindergarten route for bus driving. Now I only go in from 6am - 9am and then back at 2pm - 5pm. I am so looking forward to having that long break in between routes. I just don't know how other moms work full time and take care of a house and kids and a hubby, I just couldn't do it. APPLAUSE TO YOU MOMS THAT CAN!!!!
Okay, I'm off to play some puter games then to bed.
Have a great night and Sunday.
Love ya,
PS: Leroy is finally free, although he begged me to leave him tied up, LOL
My 17 year old has a curfew but since I go to bed by 9pm she had decided to not come home when she's supposed to. The other night I went to bed my usual 9pm and Parker, my 6 yr old, woke up at 11:30 from a nightmare and she still wasn't home (curfew on school nights is 10:30). I call her cell and to make a long story semi-short, she FR****** lies to me and says she's on her way home, never told me where she was or anything. Got into a huge fight with her when she walked through the door. I went to bed cause I gotta be up at 5am and she has the nerve to walk out the front door, get into her car and drive away! She finally came home at 2am after I promised to let her stay at South High. She's been real good about playing the I'm gonna be 18 in a month and there's nothing you can do to me then card. HAHA She's in for a rude awakening!!!! Okay enough about that crap..
Friday was my usual boring day. Got to sleep in today though and acutally half the day. Been working on my scrap stuff all day. I've got tons of projects started but not finished so I decided it's time to finish. I missed the aweso[ME] class, totally spaced it off (there goes the blonde again). Hopefully Steff saved some kits so I can get them next week, hint hint wink wink ;)
Oh yeah new thing in my life, I gave up my Kindergarten route for bus driving. Now I only go in from 6am - 9am and then back at 2pm - 5pm. I am so looking forward to having that long break in between routes. I just don't know how other moms work full time and take care of a house and kids and a hubby, I just couldn't do it. APPLAUSE TO YOU MOMS THAT CAN!!!!
Okay, I'm off to play some puter games then to bed.
Have a great night and Sunday.
Love ya,
PS: Leroy is finally free, although he begged me to leave him tied up, LOL
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Just another boring day!!
Hello Blogger World,
It's been another long boring day. Got up at 5:15, got to the bus yard by 6am, yada yada yada. Same ol' crap, different day.
My hubby took half a day vacation hoping to come home for some one on one time(if you know what I mean). Joke was on him, I had to go back to work 15 minutes after he got home, hahahahah.
I missed my Gettin Digi With It class Tuesday night cause my son had his very first band concert. I really didn't want to go(i'm a horrible mom) but then I realized it would make a great scrapbook page for his album. Hopefully Steff can catch me up Saturday after our aweso[ME] class.
Well I'm off to Jennifer's house to tie up her husband so I can "borrow" her scrapbooking supplies before he destroys them. I just don't understand why he would be so angry with her for leaving him for her one true love, GARTH!! :-)
Oh well, enough boring stuff from me for tonight.
Goodnight all
It's been another long boring day. Got up at 5:15, got to the bus yard by 6am, yada yada yada. Same ol' crap, different day.
My hubby took half a day vacation hoping to come home for some one on one time(if you know what I mean). Joke was on him, I had to go back to work 15 minutes after he got home, hahahahah.
I missed my Gettin Digi With It class Tuesday night cause my son had his very first band concert. I really didn't want to go(i'm a horrible mom) but then I realized it would make a great scrapbook page for his album. Hopefully Steff can catch me up Saturday after our aweso[ME] class.
Well I'm off to Jennifer's house to tie up her husband so I can "borrow" her scrapbooking supplies before he destroys them. I just don't understand why he would be so angry with her for leaving him for her one true love, GARTH!! :-)
Oh well, enough boring stuff from me for tonight.
Goodnight all
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
This is it, I'm leaping into the world of blogging!!
Ok, this is for everyone who was asking me when I was gonna start blogging. I figure if Shandra can do it, I can (I hope).
I got back from Crop Camp Sunday night, WHAT A BLAST!! We had such a good time. I made some new friends, Jennifer, Keri, my new BFF's. Got to know the Attic girls a whole lot better, they sure are different outside of the store (not sure that's such a good thing, ha ha) I will tell you this much, don't trust Steff, Smyers, or Krusty with anything, when you're back is turned they'll just steal it and laugh as they're driving away!!!!!!(ya'll know what I'm talking about).
Keri made a few of us girls picture holders or crowns. She made me a cow picture holder. For anyone that knows me, they know I LOVE COWS!!!! (thanks again Keri). I even bought a Webkins cow at Graves in Ark City. I named her croppy but my six yr old has since taken her over and renamed her cow cow(cut him some slack, he's only 6). Keri made Steff and princess crown out of a bucks coffee holder. It's really cute. Here's a picture (hope this works)
Look at how much Steff appreciated her gift!!
Okee dokee, I think that's enough for a first blog. I'm tired and hungry, time to eat dinner and head off to bed. I gotta get up early and need all the beauty sleep I can get.
Later gators
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