Monday, April 7, 2008


I'm happy but also sad at the same time. CROP CAMP WAS A BLAST but it's over!! I just love the scrapbook weekends with the girls, I just hate it when it ends. I feel like part of me has died. :(. On the good side, CAG is next in June and Shandra, Kathy, and Alicia are thinking about having Spring Crop Camp 2009 be 4 days instead of 3, WOOOOOO HOOOOOO.

I had a blast, to say the least, at Crop Camp. I got to make a new BFF, we were friends before but now I feel like I got to know her so much better and I'm really looking forward to having our friendship grow stronger and closer. (you know who you are ;)) Friday night we didn't go to bed and fall asleep till about 4:30am. Our, (meaning Tracy and me), sleeping quarters were shared with one other person who shall we say likes to snore a little. LOL We felt like we were home, both our husband's snore and it sounded just like them, LOVE YA SNORER!!!! Saturday we didn't bother to go to bed. Me, Tracy, and Gina decided to stay up all night, just the 3 of us. It was great I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard and so much. Tracy and I decided about 9:30 am we needed some sleep so we crashed. Tracy only stayed down for a couple of hours but I stayed down till about 1:00. I drank a ton of coffee with sugar and creamer and it finally hit me and made me sick. I was sweatin and moanin, it was awful. (message to myself, don't do that again) I think I might be getting to old to pull all nighters. Gina made it all day, WTG GINA. She did lay down on the crop floor for a little while, thank goodness she didn't crash her car on the way home.

I actually got some layouts and projects done this time. Usually I don't get anything done but eating and socializing, LOL. I got about 7 layouts done and finished 2 books that I took classes for. I gave away, to Tracy, a couple of layouts that I didn't really like but she loved. It's nice that someone else appreciates my work even if it is just Tracy hahahhahahahaaha. Love ya Tracy :)

MAGGIE'S FOOD WAS, OF COURSE, TO DIE FOR. I don't like Chicken and Noodles but I will eat Maggie's that's how good she is. I'm gonna take a special trip to her restaurant in Winfield for lunch one day soon and so I can pick up some of her FANTASTIC roast beef, YUMMY. She has the best roast beef for roast beef for sandwiches. I've been living out here 19 years and have been searching for good rb and couldn't find any I liked, I DID NOW WOOOOO HOOOOOO.

All my scrapbooking stuff is still sitting at the top of my stairs waiting to go down in my scrapbook room. Wonder how long it will take me to bring it down, maybe I'll just leave it where it is and then I won't have to repack and carry it back up for CAG in June. hhhhhhhmmmmmm that sounds like a good plan to me. hehehehehe

Well I've bored everyone enough for now.




Kathy said...

I am so glad you had fun. Hey, when you come to Maggies for lunch give me a shout and I will meet you for lunch. I get off 12-1 M-F.

~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

Liz as always it was a lot of fun!!!! I really enjoyed the fun things that we all did. Can't wait till CAG!!!! NEXT TIME you will have to come to the Karaoke time...LOL We needed back up singers and dancers...LOL
Take care hugs to you my favorite pebble!!! heheheheh