Monday, April 14, 2008

ho hum

I'm in an awful rut, guess that's what you'd call. I don't want to do anything. I don't ever want to leave my house again! I have no desire to go anywhere, no desire to talk to anyone, and no desire to scrapbook!

I had a great time at Crop Camp, shouldn't have gone couldn't really afford it, but the frigin drama that came from it put me in a real funk!

A lot of people I've met in my life have told me I have a wall up around me, I come across as unapproachable, up until now I thought that was a bad thing and have tried not to come across that way. I think it was the way and where I was raised that did that to me. Like I said I've tried not to be that way, well, I let my wall down, tried to make new friends and I got burned, BAD. My wall is back up, I will stay in my little bubble, stay close to the people I know I can trust that are my friends and be civil to others but always keep them at arms length. If this offends anyone, I'm sorry, but I'm tired. Tired of being caught in the middle of crap that I had nothing to do with in first place. Tired of being made out to be the loud mouth bitch! I'M JUST FRIGIN TIRED!!!!!!!!

Well that's the end of my venting session


~BuzyKeriBee~ said...

BUT I LOVE THE LOUD MOUTH .... you are the best... and you give great back I'm sorry to hear that your in a funk. You should come over one day before I go back to work{wherever that may be}and have bon bons and tea... Ok Diet coke and freakin food...LOL keep your chin up babydoll... try not to let one bad apple ruin the other crazy apples. Hugs and misses!!!!

wolffx5 said...

Ditto to Keri! It's hard not to let others get to us, especially those people that you think are your friends. I know others that feel the exact same way you do! Keep your chin up and know that those of us who are your friends love you and screw everyone else! :)~