Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a Frigin night......

or should I say morning.

I started my night off great. I went to Jennifer's house for her Slumber Party (no not the sleeping kind, lol) and had a blast. After the party Keri, Tracy, Jennifer, and I all hung out and talked and laughed and laughed till about 1 am. Jennifer's husband even got in on part of the conversation, I didn't know Leroy could blush ;).

Well after I dropped Keri and Tracy off at there houses I was on my way home and my phone rings. I think okay must be my hubby wondering where I am. NOPE! it's my x-husband, I start to panic a little because he's never ever up this late so I immediately think something's happened to one of our kids. He begins by telling me a sherrif officer called and they found my daughter's car, (Kaitlyn), in a ditch out my Andale. It had been rolled a few times but there was no one around. Okay I start freaking out. I know this is in the middle of timbuckF**two and start thinking she was thrown from the car and is lying dead in some field and they just can't find the body. The officer said he found her purse and personal information and was able to track down my x that way. Dennis, the x, has tried calling her cell phone and she's not answering, this now sends me into panic mode. I then remember she's supposed to be at the drive in with her boyfriend. I tell him I'm on my way to Andale, I was at Kellogg and Tyler anyway, and he needs to go to the drive in and have them page her over the movie's radio station. A few minutes later I try her cell and she answers, she safe, THANK GOD. She's crying because she heard about her car and is very upset and on her way to Andale with her boyfriend. Turns out she lent the car to a friend of hers and he rolled it. He had to walk into Andale to find a phone, no cell phone, and he called her, some one that passed by the wreck called the cops.

I get there, I'm pissed beyond belief (ask Tracy I was talking to her on the phone on the way out there). I just knew the little punk was drinking and lost control of the car. Well I get there and he's claiming a dark colored truck hit him and ran him off the road that's why he rolled. But guess what there's no marks on her car, that I can see, where a dark colored car could have hit him. The officer I was talking too also said he doesn't see how or where a truck would have hit him. But...there are beer cans in the ditch right where the car landed and half a case of unopened beer in the ditch across the street from the accident where it looked like he through it. I know the little shit was drinking and driving so I point these facts out to the officers on the scene but it's too late to do a breath test because it's been about 2 hours since the crash. They say 2 hours is pushing it to do a breath test. The officer said he evaluated the kid and saw no signs of drinking but like I said he crashed that would have sobered him up plus he had to walk at least a mile to Andale and he had a pepsi so his breath wouldn't stink anymore either. He swears up and down, of course, that he wasn't drinking. WHATEVER!!!! To top it all off he says he was run off the road but the side he said he was hit on was the passenger side, what was the truck riding in the ditch and cut him off, HELLO I'M NOT STUPID. The officers will be turning everything over to detective to try and figure out what really happened. They took pictures of everything, including all the beer cans on both sides of the street. This is not the first car he's wrecked because of drinking and driving. He wrecked another one of his friends cars earlier in the year. This kid can't seem to wreck his own cars, oh wait he doesn't have a car!!!!

Poor Kate has only had this car for about a month and has only made one payment on it. She now has no car because this one will be totaled there is way too much damage. She has a $750 deductible for her insurance. I told my x, he needs to sue this kid's mother because he has no car insurance and she's still legally responsible for his actions. I know him, he will sue her.

I don't know how he walked away from this. The car was a mess. I know he screwed up his shoulder and banged his head pretty damn hard but he refused to go to the hospital, wouldn't even let an ambulance be called for him. He called his mom and she started yelling at him, of course, and told him he could deal with me on his own and not to come home tonight. Now I know the kid just wrecked my daughter's car and he shouldn't have been drinking and driving, but WTH, why on earth would you tell your kid, who could have possible broken bones, not to come home and to find some other place to stay for the night? This lady sounds wacked. Even I felt sorry for him after I got over my initial pissed offness. I ended up having to drive him to a friends house because he had no other way to get there, his mom wouldn't even come get him. I tried taking him to the hospital but he wouldn't go, he promised me he would go Sunday. I told him if he didn't I'd kick his ass.

Do you think I'm being too nice to him after he wrecked my kids' car? I am after all human and don't want to see anything bad happen to him.

The whole kicker to this night is, my x and I just lectured her last night about letting her friends use her car. My x told her not to let anyone drive her car and if she did he was gonna come over and take the car away from her. Guess he doesn't have to worry about taking it now. He also said he doesn't want to get her another car, she doesn't seem to be responsible enough to have that privledge (sp?). He co-signed the loan for this one.

Well that's my night in a nutshell. Hope I didn't bore you all to tears.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008



Hello ALL... another one of those "get to know your friends"... This will work just like our last tag however tag only three at a time ;)

Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!

1)Do u like Blue cheese? In a salad dressing only

2) Have you ever smoked heroin? NEVER, maybe I should try it, something’s gotta help this funk

3) Do you own a gun? NO

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? NONE

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? NOPE... JUST THE DENTIST

6) What do you think of hot dogs? HAVE TO BE IN THE MOOD BUT USUALLY... GROSS!

7) Favorite Christmas song? Don’t really have one, kinda don’t like xmas songs

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? PEACH TEA

9) Can you do push ups? WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING

10) Can you do a chin up? SURE, I CAN LIFT MY CHIN UP VERY HIGH

11) Whats your favorite piece of jewelry? JEWELRY, WHAT’S JEWELRY

12) Favorite hobby? SCRAPBOOKING, READING

13) Ever been in a car wreck? YES, NOT MY FAULT THOUGH

14) Do you have ADD? NO, I DON’T ADVERTISE, lol

15) Whats one trait that you love about yourself? I CAN LAUGH ABOUT ALMOST ANYTHING



18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? NOT A DARN THING, I DON’T GO TO THE STORE

19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? PEACH ICE TEA, WATER

20) Current worry? MONEY, MONEY, MONEY

21) Current hate right now? DRAMA

22) How did you bring in the New Year? WITH MY BEST FRIENDS AND MY KIDS

23) Where would you like to go? ANYWHERE BUT HERE

24) Name three people who will complete this? TRACY, ALICIA, KATHY J

25) Do you own slippers? YES, SEVERAL PAIR

26) What shirt are you wearing? A CROP A GANZA T-SHIRT

27) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? NOOOO THEY ARE TOO SLIPPERY

28) Can you whistle? NOT REALLY

29) Would you be a pirate? HECK NO, THEY DON’T BATHE

30) What songs do you sing in the shower? I DON'T SING

31) Favorite girls name? DON’T HAVE ONE

32) Favorite boys name? AGAIN, DON’T REALLY HAVE ONE

33)Whats in your pocket? DON'T HAVE POCKETS

34) Last thing that made you laugh? CAN’T REMEMBER

35) Best bed sheets as a child? BEATS ME

36) Worst injury you've ever had? SCRATCHED EYEBALL

37) Do you love where you live? YES... JUST WANT A MAKEOVER... WHERE IS TY WHEN YOU NEED HIM....??? I AGREE!!!

38) How many TVs do you have in your house/apartment? 5 BUT NO CABLE, LOL

39) Who is your loudest friend? TRACY

40) How many dogs do you have? NONE

41) Does someone have a crush on you? WHY WOULD THEY

42) What is your favorite book? I DON’T HAVE A FAVORITE, I’LL READ JUST ABOUT ANYTHING

43) What is your favorite candy? HERSEY KISSES AND MILKY WAY DARK

44) Favorite Sports Team? DON’T HAVE ONE

45) What song do you want played at your funeral? I DON’T WANT A FUNERAL, NO ONE WOULD COME ANYWAY

46) What were you doing 12 AM last night? IN BED READING A GREAT BOOK!!!

47) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? LEAVE ME ALONE MIKE, YOU’RE TALKING TOO MUCH, lol

48)What do you like to sleep in? (nightgown, big comfy pj's) A T-SHIRT AND UNDIES

49)What is your all time favorite movie? BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY, I cry everytime I see it

50)If you could do one thing over in your life, what would it be? I don't think I would do anything over, what I've done and what has happened to me in the past makes me who I am today.

Okay, Keri Bee forgot 3 questions so I added some.

I am tagging:

Kathy Johnson

Have fun!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

ho hum

I'm in an awful rut, guess that's what you'd call. I don't want to do anything. I don't ever want to leave my house again! I have no desire to go anywhere, no desire to talk to anyone, and no desire to scrapbook!

I had a great time at Crop Camp, shouldn't have gone couldn't really afford it, but the frigin drama that came from it put me in a real funk!

A lot of people I've met in my life have told me I have a wall up around me, I come across as unapproachable, up until now I thought that was a bad thing and have tried not to come across that way. I think it was the way and where I was raised that did that to me. Like I said I've tried not to be that way, well, I let my wall down, tried to make new friends and I got burned, BAD. My wall is back up, I will stay in my little bubble, stay close to the people I know I can trust that are my friends and be civil to others but always keep them at arms length. If this offends anyone, I'm sorry, but I'm tired. Tired of being caught in the middle of crap that I had nothing to do with in first place. Tired of being made out to be the loud mouth bitch! I'M JUST FRIGIN TIRED!!!!!!!!

Well that's the end of my venting session

Monday, April 7, 2008


I'm happy but also sad at the same time. CROP CAMP WAS A BLAST but it's over!! I just love the scrapbook weekends with the girls, I just hate it when it ends. I feel like part of me has died. :(. On the good side, CAG is next in June and Shandra, Kathy, and Alicia are thinking about having Spring Crop Camp 2009 be 4 days instead of 3, WOOOOOO HOOOOOO.

I had a blast, to say the least, at Crop Camp. I got to make a new BFF, we were friends before but now I feel like I got to know her so much better and I'm really looking forward to having our friendship grow stronger and closer. (you know who you are ;)) Friday night we didn't go to bed and fall asleep till about 4:30am. Our, (meaning Tracy and me), sleeping quarters were shared with one other person who shall we say likes to snore a little. LOL We felt like we were home, both our husband's snore and it sounded just like them, LOVE YA SNORER!!!! Saturday we didn't bother to go to bed. Me, Tracy, and Gina decided to stay up all night, just the 3 of us. It was great I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard and so much. Tracy and I decided about 9:30 am we needed some sleep so we crashed. Tracy only stayed down for a couple of hours but I stayed down till about 1:00. I drank a ton of coffee with sugar and creamer and it finally hit me and made me sick. I was sweatin and moanin, it was awful. (message to myself, don't do that again) I think I might be getting to old to pull all nighters. Gina made it all day, WTG GINA. She did lay down on the crop floor for a little while, thank goodness she didn't crash her car on the way home.

I actually got some layouts and projects done this time. Usually I don't get anything done but eating and socializing, LOL. I got about 7 layouts done and finished 2 books that I took classes for. I gave away, to Tracy, a couple of layouts that I didn't really like but she loved. It's nice that someone else appreciates my work even if it is just Tracy hahahhahahahaaha. Love ya Tracy :)

MAGGIE'S FOOD WAS, OF COURSE, TO DIE FOR. I don't like Chicken and Noodles but I will eat Maggie's that's how good she is. I'm gonna take a special trip to her restaurant in Winfield for lunch one day soon and so I can pick up some of her FANTASTIC roast beef, YUMMY. She has the best roast beef for roast beef for sandwiches. I've been living out here 19 years and have been searching for good rb and couldn't find any I liked, I DID NOW WOOOOO HOOOOOO.

All my scrapbooking stuff is still sitting at the top of my stairs waiting to go down in my scrapbook room. Wonder how long it will take me to bring it down, maybe I'll just leave it where it is and then I won't have to repack and carry it back up for CAG in June. hhhhhhhmmmmmm that sounds like a good plan to me. hehehehehe

Well I've bored everyone enough for now.