Monday, June 23, 2008



I started my day with my ear drum being ruptured ;). Two friends, who shall be nameless but here's a hint: Busy Bee and Elvis, and who can't carry a tune called and sang (I use the word loosely LOL) me Happy Birthday. Then Tracy called and thank God she just said Happy Birthday, after all, I only had one ear drum left and frankly I need that one!

I went and got my nails done then headed off to a Home Interiors Party. The party isn't closing till Friday so if anyone wants to look at a catalog and place an order, give me a ring. I spent way too much money and decided to become a distributor. You get a great discount on their stuff and I do have an entire house to decorate, lol. After the party Tracy and I stayed and chatted with Keri and Jennifer till 6. We parted company while Tracy and I went to Walmart then we hooked up with Jennifer and Keri for dinner of chinese food.

IT WAS GREAT EATING OUT WITH ANOTHER ADULT WHO LIKES CRAB LEGS! Keri and Jennifer are almost as crazy about them as I am. Tracy just thinks we're all nuts, she hates them. It was nice eating hot chinese food for a change, usually when I eat out with the family I'm busy peeling shrimp or cracking crab legs for my kids so by the time I get to eat what's on my plate it's cold. After dinner us girls headed back to Tracy's house to make my goodies for CAG! I'm happy to say THE GIRLS WERE A GREAT BIG HELP!! I am done with my goody bag giveaways and I wouldn't be if they hadn't have helped me as much as they did. I didn't get home till 2am. Everyoe was asleep, IT WAS GREAT!

I woke up today and my husband and kids surprised me with a cake they baked for me Saturday while I was gone. It was really cute, they tried to make it look like a cow since I love cows ssssssoooooo much.

I know the cow looks like he's been on meth way too long but I think it's the most beautiful cow cake I've ever seen. :)
Well that's it for me for now.

Sorry about the spacing, I'm computer challenged!

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Sad Day

Amanda's memorial service was this morning, it was very, very hard. She had a memorial service because she was cremated, it's what she wanted.

I'm very proud of Kate, she is handling this as best as can be expected. She isn't hold up in her room crying all the time, she is trying to go on with her life. Her boyfriend, Wes, is just wonderful with her. He lets her cry and talk when she needs to then he tries his best to take her mind off everything. Amanda was like a sister to him so this has been very hard on him as well. HE IS A KEEPER.

It's been very hard saying goodbye to someone I thought of as a daughter. As long as I don't think about her, which is very hard, I seem to be doing okay. I have been trying to get back into the swing of things which I'm hoping will help.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, it means more to me than you know.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Amanda Update

Amanda is doing much better. The swelling in her brain and face is down considerablly. She has been waking up on her own, even with the medications they were giving her. They have now lowered her meds and she is sleeping on her own. She looks a whole lot better. The doctors still have not taken her off the ventilator but she is breathing on her own. She does respond to people around her and knows when her friends are in the room. Her prognosis is looking very, very posititve.

Keep the prayers coming, she still has a long road ahead of her.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First visit

I just got back from my first visit to the hospital to see Amanda. Let me just say, I'm scared. She looks so helpless. She has a tube in her head to monitor the pressure of her brain, she has tube in her nose, 2 down her throat, and monitors and gages hooked up everywhere. Her eyes are so swollen. I went in for my second visit and the right side of her face was even more swollen and her blood pressure low. The had hooked her up some saline solution to help bring up her pressure to keep the blood pumping to her brain.

The doctors looked at her x-rays again and she doesn't have any broken ribs. She has 2 fractures in her pelvis, one is probably going to require surgery because it's a complete break and one bone is sitting on top of the other.

I just want to sit by her bedside and hold her hand and never leave her but her mom and the SICU won't let me, LOL.

Keep the prayers coming, she is a long way from being out of the woods.