Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Sassy Affair

A Sassy Affair is a new website created by Summer and Amy. Every week the members of the group have a challenge they are to complete, once the project is completed you send the pictures to Summer or Amy and they post it to the blog. You get a ticket for completing the challenge and at the end of the week a ticket is drawn and that person wins a prize!!
This week was the first week and the challenge was to an alter an object with a Halloween theme, VERY FUN!!! This was my creation. Let me know what ya think!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Hey everyone, did ya miss me?

Well I have a new computer and new internet so I'm ready to go. WOO HOO

Nothing new going on around here sorry to say. The kids, of course, have started school and mommy is a very happy camper about that. I love my kids but man summer vacations should only be about 2 weeks. I'm a firm believer in year round school with 2 weeks off here and there throughout the year. I really think the kids loose too much info when they have so much time off and I think they get bored over such a long summer break.

Let's see what else.........been hanging out occasionally with friends, can't do that too often cause it causes major side pulls from all the laughing.

I'm still doing my clocks and altering projects when I feel like running downstairs to the dungeon, LOL.

Trying to get ready for Crop A Ganza, not very successful. I really want to take page kits but ssssoooooo not motivated to make them. I have decided not to vend at this CAG but I was able to get another person to vend for The Angel Company, she's much more trained than me and should have much more stuff than I ever could.

Well that's it for now