Thursday, July 10, 2008

Here are some....




The first one is a surprise for a certain someone, don't tell her. The second is one I have completed without the buttons and the third is with buttons, not sure which I like better. I can add the buttons if I want to, what do you all think; majority will win.

Thanks for looking

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I had a creative moment

I had a creative moment tonight. I went to my scrap room to start making thing for CAG, I started at 7, took a 1 hr break to watch the season finally of Hell's Kitchen and I finally finished at 2:20 am. I only made 2 things, both are clocks. The smaller one is for my daughters room, I need to get some pink fur to run around the edges and then it's done. The other is to sell at CAG

Let me know what you think of them.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What a GREAT Weekend!!

I had a great time Saturday night with Jennifer, Keri, and Tracy. We hung out at Jennifer's house, went out and ate YUMMY chinese food. We then went back to Jennifer's and we all put on tatoos, FUN FUN. We didn't leave till 2am, sorry Jennifer :(. It's so nice to hang out and just be yourself with real friends, no judging, no worring about anything but having fun.

Nothing new around here. Planning things for the next Crop A Ganza, if I get to vend. I have plans for the goody bags, no tags this time, something cute for everyone at there spot. I will also have more paper packs available to purchase. I'm also going to try and have kits made up for sale as well as altered items already completed for purchase. I had a few requests for these items at the last CAG so I thought I'd give it a try. Also, something new, if you would like to place an order and use your cc I can now go ahead and place the order right there at CAG, no need to write down your cc info, it's safer this way, no chance of anyone getting ahold of that info.

Well that's it for now. Stay healthy and happy.


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Survived the 4th

Did you? Sat in my driveway and watched my kids shoot off their fireworks, no big deal. If Mike hadn't been so cranky yesterday we would have gone to Jennifer's to watch her husband's firework show, maybe next year!

Today is going to be a me day, no kids and NO HUSBAND!!! (he's been really cranky lately). Tracy and I are gonna go hang out with Jennifer and Keri and have a GREAT TIME.

More later.